Getting Setup on Builda Price
Here we will work through setting up your Builda Price account.
Company settings
- Setting your default profit margin/mark-up
- Xero Integration
- PlaceMakers Integration
- ITM Integration
- Getting files from your merchant
Estimate settings
Setting up your workers
- Click the person icon in the top right corner
- Select Workers under the People heading in the navigation pane
- Click + Add Worker
- Populate the following fields with your workers details
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Contact Email
- Worker type - Hourly or Contractor
- Pay Rate
- Cost Rate - Using Cost Calculator
- Charge out Rate
- SmartPayroll Employee Code (If applicable)
- Xero Employee (If applicable)
- Xero Earnings Type (If applicable)
- Click Create Worker
- A unique worker code will be generated. This is what your worker will use to log into the Timesheet app
- Repeat for all your workers
Company Settings
Setting your default Profit margin/mark up
- Under the Company heading in the navigation pane select Settings
- Set your company default Profit Margin or Mark up
- The Margin/Mark up you set here will be your default. This will carry through to your Projects, Tasks and children Tasks. Your default Margin/Mark up can be overwritten in each of these areas to be adjusted to suit each particular Project, Task or child Task.
Xero, PlaceMakers, ITM Integrations
- Under the Company heading select Integrations
Invoices can be sent directly to Xero with the click of a button and require no further mapping within Xero. Once you have your integration complete, Xero simply becomes where you approve the invoices for actual payment.
- Click Connect Xero Organisation
- You will be asked to log into Xero (if not already signed in)
- Pick which Xero organisation to connect too
- Once connected click the Update Accounts button - this will bring through your Xero Account codes.
- These codes will be added to your projects when you create them
- These account codes will be reflected once you allocate bills to the projects and subheadings
Builda Price and PlaceMakers have come together to help you price your jobs accurately and fast.
This integration allows you to import your current and updated product prices into the Material Rate section in Pricing.
Any new updates to prices will be applied daily to your account.
- Click Connect to PlaceMakers
- This will take you to PlaceMakers to authenticate your Builda Price account
Once on the PlaceMakers Authentication site, you will need to setup an account to link your PlaceMakers trade account to your Builda Price account.
This site enables Builda Price customers to create a single sign on account to access all their Builda Price business tools with PlaceMakers.
- If you have previously created this link and an account, you can select one of the sign-in options
- If you haven't previously created an account or linked Builda Price previously please follow the steps below
- Select the 'Not Signed up yet?' button
- Select the signup option you want to use to login to the account with and to create the link between Builda Price and PlaceMakers
- If you select Custom, it will take you to the next page to fill out your details
- At the bottom, you can add your account that you would like to link with Builda Price
- Click the 'Add Account' button
- Select your branch from the drop down selection
- Enter in the account number
- If have more than one account you can repeat the process and also select your default account to use
- Click the 'Sign me up!' button to complete the sign up process
Each account you add will initially be in 'Pending' status and a PlaceMakers administrator will review and approve your accounts asap (they will send you an email on account approval).
Completing the Integration in Builda Price
- Navigate back to settings
- Under the Company heading in the navigation pane select Integrations
- You will see the PlaceMakers integration setup
- Select your Branch from the dropdown box
- Click the 'Sync Now' button, this will bring across your price book from PlaceMakers
ITM Integration
- Under the Company heading select Integrations
- Scroll down to the 'ITM Invoice Integration' section
- If you do not see this in your account please contact Builda Price and we can turn this integration on
- Begin typing in the store name or select from the drop down list
- Once you have selected your stores, click the 'Request Integration' button
- Once requested you will see a status Pending against the store
- It may take a few days for a store to fulfil the request
- Once you have connected ITM to your Builda Price account, ITM invoices will automatically import into your account into the Bills section
- If you have any quotes or take-offs done by your ITM branch you can request for them to be pushed through into Builda Price
*Please note: Most ITM stores around the country can integrate to Builda Price, there are some which currently do not have the function to integrate, Builda Price and ITM are working together to bring all stores onboard.
Getting files from your merchants
Estimate settings
Adding Subcontractors
When costing a job Subcontractor quotes could comprise as much as 50% of your finished price. When entering these quotes you do not have to type out your individual subcontractors on every job. Instead, simply enter your preferred subcontractors in the Settings under Estimate Settings - Subcontractor List.
- Go to Subcontractor List under the Estimate Settings heading
- Click the Add button
- Click the Add button
- Enter the name of a Subcontractor you regularly use, then select their trade from the list
- Use the “>” arrow to shift the selected trade into the right-hand column. You can select multiple trades per subcontractor (e.g. plumber, drainlayer and gasfitter).
- Once you have entered the correct trades hit the Save Now repeat these steps until all your preferred subcontractors have been entered into the system
Flat Rate Resource
Entering a default flat rate for pricing Labour
The default flat rate is the hourly charge-out rate that is automatically applied across all work sections (subheadings) upon importing the job file. You must have a default rate, though this can then be supplemented by adding as many additional charge-out rates as you wish.
Remember that labour factors always calculate time based on a single worker. If the software says a work section will take 3 hours that is 3 hours for a single worker. Obviously with 2 workers on the job that same work section will only take 90mins. To that end your labour rates must be either a flat rate or, if factoring in varying charge-out rates for different workers, it must be the average.
e.g. 3 workers in my work gang with charge-outs of $60/hr, $55/hr and $35/hr. 60+55+35 = 150 / 3 = $50hr flat rate.
- Under the Estimate settings heading in the navigation pane select Flat rate resource
- Click on the Default rate to select it and click the Edit button above
- Enter your flat rate and hit the save button
- Once you have entered your Default rate, feel free to use the Add button to input as many other charge-out rates as you wish
Own Take-off templates
When you have a job that may be to small for your merchant to complete the take-off you are able create your own take-off templates.
When creating own take-off templates we recommend that you create templates in sections of a build e.g. Wall framing, Insulation, Interior linings Wet, Interior linings Dry etc. This way these templates can be used multiple times for multiple jobs.
Keeping quantities at 0 will ensure you enter the correct number for the applicable job once imported. Also keeping the product price at 0, the reason for this is that each time you import the template into a job it will pull through the most up to date price.
- Navigate to settings
- Select Own Take-off under Estimate settings
- Select your Merchant
- Click +Add
- Type in the name of the template eg wall / extension / roofing / stairs etc
- Select your merchant from the drop down box
- Then hit save
- Select the newly created template, this will highlight it and then click on Populate template
- Click +Add Products
- Expand the relevant subheading
- Look for the products and applicable usages
- Once all products have been selected click +Add Items
- You can add items from all relevant subheadings or repeat this process for all subheadings
- Leave the Quantity at 0 as this is a template when it gets pulled into the job you can add the quantity there
- We recommend you leave out the product price within the template. When you import the template into a job it will pull your most up to date pricing from your Material Rate section
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