Changing a Contract worker to an Hourly worker & backdating their costs to a job.
A Contract worker would be considered someone who works for you irregularly as a one off, an hourly worker would be considered someone who is regularly working for you including those RWT workers and GST workers.
Each time a contract worker time sheets only their man hours come through to the financials page.
It would be best practice to setup workers as Hourly workers to capture their costs live as they timesheet. Below are the steps to change a Contract worker to an Hourly worker and then backdate their costs to a job.
Changing an Contract worker to an Hourly worker.
- In the taskbar on the left-hand side under Configuration click on Workers.
- Select the worker you would like to change and click the drop down for Worker Type.
- Change this from Contract worker to Hourly Worker.
- Once you select Hourly worker the Pay Rate field and Cost Rate fields will be blank.
- Enter in the workers Pay Rate and use the Cost Calculator to work out any costs e.g. Paid Breaks.
- Then click Saver Worker.
Backdating costs for Contract workers that are now Hourly Workers.
- Open the Payroll report and expand the date range to filter the hours worked by the worker.
- Using the Filter by Worker option, filter down by individual workers to account for their time on the jobs, you can export this to an Excel or .CSV file.
- Once you have got these numbers, create a manual Bill for each worker.
- Click here for a step by step guide on Creating Bills Manually.
- Each line can be for each job and total hours worked on each subheading
- Example: Job: ABC Street - Framing
- Next line, ABC Street Roof Framing.
- The QTY will be the hours worked and the rate will be their cost rate.
- You then will need to allocate this bill to the applicable jobs and applicable subheadings.
- (You can create a bill for each job, this is best practice but can take some time.)
- Click here for a guide on how to allocate a Bill.
- (You can create a bill for each job, this is best practice but can take some time.)
- Once the above have been completed, this will then give you an accurate usage of cost against the budget for that job.
Going forward, the workers costs will be allocated to the job as they timesheet once they have been changed over to hourly workers.
Please get the worker to logout and login once you have made the changes to the worker type to ensure the new cost rates apply.
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