Labour Factors
This contains a database of all the labour factors contained in the system. If you require labour for a special item, big ticket item or a 1 off item you can find these factors here. Labour Factor section is found under Estimate Settings heading.
To find a Labour Factor you can:
Search the product by SKU/Item Number or Description
Or expanding the relevant subheading and looking for the product and applicable usage
If you cannot find the exact item, a similar item under the same subheading with similar usage can be used on the job.
These are useful when creating your own take off or manually added 1 off items.
You can check the system labour factors and apply your own.
Using their own Labour Factor will supersede the ones supplied by Builda Price, when they press the reprice with latest labour factor button, their cell won’t change if they have applied their own.
For them to revert to using our Labour Factors, they simply need to change their Labour factor back to 0.00
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