1. Add site contacts
Site contacts are displayed in the induction and emergency response plan. In addition, two contacts can be shown on the hazard board (one of which needs to be a site supervisor).
To add a contact, click ‘Add site contact’:
- Select a role for the contact. There must be at least one ‘Site Supervisor’, however you can add other contacts with any desired role
- Select whether the contact should be shown on the hazard board. There are only two spaces for site contacts on the hazard board, so this option must be unchecked for any additional contacts
- Select the contact name from the list of Builda Price users
Creating a ‘Site Supervisor’ contact also adds an additional ‘supervisor’ permission for that user, enabling them to:
- Be selected as a supervisor to be notified for site observations and incident reports
- Close out site observations and incident reports
- Edit items created by other users
Note that in order for a user to be available to select as a supervisor, they must already have access to health and safety - i.e. they need to have either ‘Can be a company administrator’ or ‘Can use health and safety’ permission set.
2. Select ‘People who will work at this site’
- The list of available names will show everyone who has some association with the site, i.e.:
- Anyone assigned to the project
- Anyone with a company - wide permission in the company the project belongs to
- Anyone who has previously signed in to the site
Select everyone who will actually be working on the site. The names you select will be available to be assigned to safety documents that are created on the site, i.e. task analyses, incident reports, etc.
Anyone who has been selected as a site contact will automatically be selected as a ‘person working on site’.
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