Creating a site
If creating a new site, enter the full address for the site and click ‘Create Site’:
You will then be shown a set of configuration pages for the new site, as detailed in the following sections. When setting up a new site you will be taken through these in sequence by clicking the ‘Next’ button on each page, however you can return to any page and make changes to the site’s configuration at any time.
Site Details
1. Enter general site details as shown (items with red asterisks are required). This information is used to populate your emergency response plan:
2. Review or fill in emergency phone numbers (a number of these will be auto filled based on your region):
3. Add site contacts:
Site contacts are displayed in the induction and emergency response plan. In addition, two contacts can be shown on the hazard board (one of which needs to be a site supervisor).
To add a contact, click ‘Add site contact’:
- Select a role for the contact. There must be at least one ‘Site Supervisor’, however you can add other contacts with any desired role
- Select whether the contact should be shown on the hazard board. There are only two spaces for site contacts on the hazard board, so this option must be unchecked for any additional contacts
- Select the contact name from the list of Builda Price users
Creating a ‘Site Supervisor’ contact also adds an additional ‘supervisor’ permission for that user, enabling them to:
- Be selected as a supervisor to be notified for site observations and incident reports
- Close out site observations and incident reports
- Edit items created by other users
4. Select how often toolbox meetings will be held:
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