Payroll functions and features
Functions and features of Payroll Reports.
The Payroll page displays all the timesheets logged by your Hourly workers within a specified time period. It will display their payrate and their expected pay over the selected time period, before any deductions.
- Under the Reports heading, Select Payroll
The time period can be changed using the start and end date selectors at the top of the page.
The week can quickly be selected with the shift week arrows, or selecting one of the date shortcuts.
- The table displays each worker's name on the left.
- On this same line can be seen their pay rate, their total number of hours for the selected time period and their corresponding earnings.
- The right side of the row displays a day-by-day breakdown of their logged hours.
- Scrolling down, a more detailed labour report for that worker is displayed.
- Each individual job that the worker attended over the chosen date range is presented in its own heading, along with the total hours and pay for that job.
- Then follows a breakdown of the hours logged to each work-section within that job.
- For payroll and reporting purposes all data visible on the Payroll page can be downloaded by clicking Export report right corner.
- The repot can exported directly to:
- Xero Payroll
- .CSV exports can be downloaded for:
- Smartly. Payroll
- Crystal Payroll
- The repot can exported directly to:
- Using the Generic .CSV or Excel file the data can be copy & pasted into your preferred payroll system.
- You can have a breakdown of individual workers and their hours over the selected period by selecting the worker from the drop down option, Filter by Worker.
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