Managing Bills
How to manage Bills in Builda Price
The bills page is used for importing invoices from your suppliers and allocating them against your Projects. Bills can be mapped to the Project, Task and Cost that they relate to. This allows you to track the expenditure against subcontractors and materials in real time.
The default view is the Card view in Bills, displaying your bills in this expanded format and allows you to see the line items within.
Use the Table view to display your bills in list format.
Creating / Importing Invoices
Importing Invoices
Invoices can be imported by clicking the Import a bill button at the top of the page. Bunnings, Carters, PlaceMakers, Mitre 10 and Xero .CSV formatted bills are supported.
Selecting the import type and choose the file from your computer to import.
Creating Bills Manually
Invoices can be created by clicking +New Bill at the top of the page.
- Enter the details of the bill including:
- Supplier (if they are already an existing Supplier, as you being to type they will appear from the drop down selection)
- Bill number
- If the bill number already exists from the same Supplier a warning symbol will appear.
- Bill number
- Bill date and Due date
- Allocate the bill to its applicable heading as a Material Cost Subcontractor Cost or a Labour Cost
- This allocation will allow for accurate reporting against the budgets set on the job
- Allocate the bill to its applicable heading as a Material Cost Subcontractor Cost or a Labour Cost
- Enter in the Bill Reference, if you have setup an automapping reference for the job, you can enter it here.
- Click the Proceed to Create Items
- Enter all the line items on the bill and click Save.
- Select the items you want to allocate to a Project and Task
- Click the Allocate Selected Items button
- Select the Project, Task and cost you want to allocate the selected items to
- Click the Allocate Items button
- Repeat the steps to allocate all items in the bill
Once you have allocated all items on the bill, you can accept the bill, this will move it out of the Draft status.
Allocating a Bill
Bills need to be mapped to a Project and Task (work section) in order to track your expenditure on a job.
It's always good practice to map to Project and Tasks as specifically and accurately as possible.
- To Allocate a Bill, select a Bill from the displayed list and click Details when in the card view.
- Inside the selected invoice you will be able to see all the invoice line items associated. Use the tick boxes on the right to select either individual items or all items at once. Click Allocate Items.
- This will open the cost center assignment box. Working from left to right, select the appropriate Project and Task the invoice is to be mapped to.
- The third layer of depth for allocation can be used for Subcontractors
- Example Dobson Residence / Subcontractors / Electrician
- The third layer of depth for allocation can be used for Subcontractors
- Complete the bill allocation by clicking the Allocate Items button
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