What is a Estimate review?
Once you have completed pricing a job in Builda Price our Builda Admin team will review your priced job. This gives you peace of mind you have included and utilized Builda Price to it's fullest when presenting your estimate to your client.
What does this include?
The reviewer will thoroughly review each tab within the estimate from Edit Resources through to Export. Making sure you have fully utilized the platform and its features.
The reviewer will record notes and send you a report once completed in a PDF format.
- Only data entered into the job will be reviewed
- The reviewer may comment on items that may be left out or not accounted for in the job, including preset templates from the platform
- Summary of the review detailed by subheading used in the estimate
Job reviews have 48-72 hours turn around from when requested.
- $150.00 per review
- Each re-review will occur a $150.00 charge
How to get a job review?
Contact our Builda Admin team at admin@buildaprice.co.nz and request a job review.
Please include:
- Job Name
- Job Number
- Company Name
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