Gantt Chart
Gantt charts give you a visual overview of all tasks against a projects timeline. Gantt charts contain important information like,
- The Projects Name
- The projects start date
- The projects estimated completion date
- % of competition
- Duration/Budgeted hours
You are able to click and drag projects to where you feel they will start. Alternatively you can adjust the start date in the Project itself in the Project Settings, this will then reflect on the Scheduling page.
By double clicking on the Project or Task line you are able to view and update details:
- The start date can be shifted
- View and edit any Predecessors
- Predecessors show anything that needs to be completed before starting that Project or Task
- View and edit any Successors
- Successors show anything that will be done once the opened Project or Task is completed
- You can search for tasks to link them as a predecessor or successor.
- Create and add lags to align your work or offset work so the start day can be on a Monday or if there are any planned holidays.
- By expanding a project you are able to view clear timeline of the build
- The Today Flag helps you quickly and easily locate the days date on your scheduling page
- By using the + and - in the top right corner you are able to easily zoom in and out of your Gantt chart.
- Using the date filter you are able to use a shortcut filter or manually select the dates you would like to view.
By hovering your mouse over a task you will get a breakdown of:
- Start and End date
- Duration/Budgeted man hours against the task
- Completion percentage
- You are able to link tasks by clicking on the Dot at the start or end of the Task/Project line and dragging it to the start or end of another Task/Project to create a Predecessor or Successor
- A heading is created as ''+Direct:'' This will allow the task heading to be linked to other tasks if required.
- When a task presents in a Dimond shape, this means there are no man hours budgeted
Colour breakdown:
Purple: Projects
Blue: Tasks and Subtasks
Green: Deepest subtask. No further tasks will be found beneath this task
As progress is completed on the Project and Tasks, the timeline bar will change from a transparent shade of the above respective colours to an Opaque shade of the above respective colours.
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