Pricing an Estimate
Once you have imported your merchant take-off or own take-off templates you are ready to continue pricing your estimate.
Even if you are still waiting for your merchant take-off, you can start to price the rest of the project while waiting!
Follow the steps below of all projects.
Shortcut to:
Edit Resource Tab
Here on the Edit Resource page you are able to adjust any charge out rates for that particular project. Any charge out rates specified on this page will be available within your Labour Tab on each subheading. When any changes or updates are made on this page, click Save.
Materials Tab
Once you have imported your merchant take-off or your own take-off templates you will see your material tab populated.
By clicking the > next to a subheading you will be able to expand it and view all products within that subheading.
Product: Name of the product/ product description
Product Usage: What the particular product is being used for
Material Qty: The quantity given by your merchant
Build Qty: This is where you can adjust the quantities supplied on the take-off
Material Unit: This is the unit of measurement that the product is purchased in
Material Rate: Cost of product
Adjustment to value: If you make an adjustment to the Build Qty you will see here the dollar value of that adjustment
Waste: Add a percentage of waste to each line item
Material Total: Total of each subheading and each line item
If a subcontractor is supplying any materials you are able to sub out an entire subheading or individual line items.
If you need to add any last minute products, you are able to do so after your take-off has been imported. By expanding the subheading the product belongs in and clicking +Add item, you are able to search from the database or add a one off item.
Labour Tab
When in the Labour tab you may see red labour factor cells. If this is the case please allow 24-48 hours for our labour factor team to apply a labour factor for you. After the 24-48 hours, click
Any updated labour factors will be highlighted green.
- After the labour factors have been updated, you need to add labour factors for Buy in and Nonstock items. These lines will remain with a red cell.
- CAUTION – If looking at other labour factors in the labour factor table, always check the labour unit.
- In the labour factor table, a labour factor for a weatherboard will be per m2. However, if the product is a “Buy in or Nonstock item” then the product will show per m in the labour tab, not in m2. This is the process how to work a labour factor showing per m2 to labour factor per m.
- CAUTION – If looking at other labour factors in the labour factor table, always check the labour unit.
- Example – 1m2 divide by 0.110 (110mm cover for a 150x25 weatherboard) equals 9.09m of weatherboards per m2
- 1hr (labour factor per m2) divided by 9.09m equals a labour factor of 0.11 per meter
- Therefore the labour factor for 150x25 weatherboard is set at 1 hr per m2 (Set as default and loads on importing the job)
- If the weatherboard is a Buy In or Nonstock item, no labour factor will load automatically, red cells will show and the labour unit will be per meter – In this situation a labour factor of 0.11 per meter would be required
Pre-nail Frames, Trusses, Roof pack, Roofing (To both roof and walls), Skylights, Interior doors, Exterior joinery, line items with Supply and Install and As Per Quote, plus other big ticket items will need your labour allocation for every job, as well as the MISC and Overheads sections.
Follow this sequence
- When you import a new job, there could be new products and labour factors required for this project
- You will need to select the "Reprice with latest labour factors" button in Labour tab, the day after you imported the job to pick up the new labour factors for this job.
Note – Nonstock items will NOT have labour allowances and you will need to apply labour to these items (Look for red cells in the labour tab) - Add missing labour factors (Red cells in labour factor column)
- Adjust any labour factors that you disagree with, if required (Do this with caution)
- Check Man hours line by line.
- Adjust the Degree of Difficulty % to increase or decrease required Man hours to complete required work.
Note – Both alterations and architectural jobs will require some degree of difficulty added to each section, as a rule of thumb see the table below.
Alterations / Renos Architectural / High-end Architectural Add 30% Degree of Difficulty Add 50-90% Degree of Difficulty - Check every section using your "use own Labour Estimate" function
- Selecting “use own Labour Estimate” will override program generated man-hours as required
- Select the appropriate Flat rate to charge out at each subheading.
- Check that you are happy with the total labour hours allocated for the project. (Man hours column in the Totals tab)
Miscellaneous Tab
Add the applicable Misc templates to your project. These templates cover anything that is not accounted for in a material take-off.
- Click
- Select from My Templates, as these are the templates you have made changes too
- Save
- Demolition
- Set out
- Excavations
- Boxing
- Standing pre-nailed frames
- Fixing roof trusses
- Fixing exterior doors and windows
- Fixing interior doors and hardware (if not allowed in labour tab)
- Fixing stairs, balustrades and handrails
- Fixing joinery units / kitchens etc
- Plus everything all other templates or anything else where you need to supply labour and material for each particular job
Subcontractor Quotes
Add all Subcontractor Quotes for each trade required for your project.
Select the quotes and add any options you would like carried through to your totals page.
- Click + Add Trades or Quotes
- Select your trades and subcontractors (Note: Multiple can be selected at once)
- Click Save
- Enter in quote amount
- Add notes
- Tick quote into the estimate
Sums Tab
Enter monetary sums; for Kitchens, bathroom fittings, etc.
- Provisional Sum
- Contingency Sum
- Net Sum
- PC Sum
- Click +Add Item
- Populate blank line with detail
- Item Name
- Type of sum
- Notes
- Qty
- Unit
- Rate
Overheads are commonly known to builders as P & G’s. This section is updated and maintained the same way as Misc, though accounting for the business operations and unproductive time on site, such as administration, supervision, deliveries, cleaning, and other import costs to the business whilst the project is underway.
- Click
- Select from My Templates, as these are the templates you have made changes too
- Save
Totals Tab
Add markup or margin here.
If so desired, use the square meter calculator to display both your net and post-margins square meter rate.
Export Tab
Add your logo
Add an introduction like; quote #, validation of the quote etc.
You can show or hide as much information about your pricing quote as you like by selecting and unselecting the sections
Export your quote for your client in PDF format.
Next step: Generate your tasks for your team to timesheet against
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