Profit Margins
Profit margins are percentages that define your desired profit margins on each type of section. Generally, this margin will be used to calculate quote figures from a budget. The Margin/Mark up you set here will be your default. This will carry through to your Projects, Tasks and children Tasks. Your default Margin/Mark up can be overwritten in each of these areas to be adjusted to suit each particular Project, Task or child Task.
To set your Default Profit Margin follow the steps below.
- In the top right hand corn click the person icon and select Settings
- Under the Company heading select Settings
- Scroll down to Profit Margins
- Select your preferred profit type
- Margin
- Mark up
- Add your Margin/Mark up to each heading
- Labour
- Materials
- Subcontractors
- Sums
- Click Save Profit Margins
- This will now pull through into all existing projects and new projects created.
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