Cost calculator
When setting up your workers use the Cost Calculator to work out the cost of each worker.
Based of the worker payrate and their entitlements including paid lunch breaks, Kiwi Saver and Superannuation, you can edit to suit individual workers or an organization default.
To find and use the cost calculator:
- Select Workers under the People heading in Settings
- Select your worker or whilst creating your worker enter in their payrate
- Click the Use Calculator button
- Click "edit template" and Enter in and tick the applicable costs for the worker or select from your templated cost calculators
- Once you have selected the costs associated with the worker click Save Calculator in the bottom right hand corner
- Click the Set Worker Cost Rate in the bottom right hand corner
- Click Save worker
- When the worker adds a timesheet, their costs will reflect in the Actuals column in the financials page of the job.
- When the worker adds a timesheet, their costs will reflect in the Actuals column in the financials page of the job.
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